Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Blog Post #5

As an American citizen living in the twenty-first century, it is important to realize the fundamental role artificial intelligence plays in our lives. Although there are some benefits of artificial intelligence, it is a huge invasion of our privacy. The utilization of facial recognition technology may be convenient since you can pay for food with your face, but at the same time, it gives companies access to something they should not have access to. Using someone else's face is an easy way to commit identity fraud and it is essentially a disaster waiting to happen. In another sense, websites are using data to see what kind of advertisements people were clicking on so they know your interests and exactly what you are thinking about. Facebook, for example, is collecting an abundance of data and they are seeing who has voted in an election. Overall, the negative effects are that the country of China is run by smartphones and they will catch up with America by the year 2025 in artificial intelligence and lead the world.

Artificial intelligence poses a threat to America and it is likely that it can take 50% of all jobs. As an example, artificial intelligence will take over the trucking industry which will take away many jobs but at the same time, it will allow for an endless amount of driving which can be very beneficial to the economy. This can also prevent traffic accidents from occurring. In a positive sense, artificial intelligence allows for intuitive mathematical and scientific studies about the universe that have not been determined before.

Lastly, artificial intelligence does a good service in the sense that it will change the future of breast cancer research. This will be very beneficial and life-changing to many women. Looking at artificial intelligence can give people positive feelings about the future world but in a similar sense, it can scare people about an invasion of privacy and it can make people feel uneasy. It is a huge threat to the economy and it will likely take away several jobs.

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