Sunday, April 18, 2021

Blog Post #7


Before I worked on this blog post, I had never heard of the sources and the American Conservative. These two specific segments are not something that you normally hear when you are thinking about news sources. It also seems like both of these news sources are unique in the sense that they offer a very anti-government approach towards the topics they are speaking about. These sources mainly cover the topics of the president and foreign affairs. It provides opinion-based feedback and specific insight on what the United States should do in several military and foreign relations situations. While speaking about the United States and its military involvement, it mainly criticizes the military involvement with the abundance of troops that America has on other worldwide nations. In a specific sense, it talks about the United States and it criticizes the relations that we have with Syria. These websites could essentially be unheard of because of how critical they truly are to our nation and their way the country is handling certain things. Although these websites can be deemed as unorthodox, I found them to be rather insightful and they really helped open up my eyes to a new perspective. These sites provide me with sufficient details and insight that you would not hear from generic opinion-based sources such as Fox News and CNN. As American citizens, we truly have the right to explore different opinions and make educated assumptions based on the information that we are told and because of that, these websites were eye-opening sources of information. I am intrigued by these sources and I look forward to using them in the future when I want to browse for information about current political topics.

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