Monday, April 19, 2021

Blog #6 EOTO

While looking at the development of technology throughout the span of time in the United States history, it is rather important to examine the significance of the first television set. This might not even be something we really think about because television plays a huge role in our everyday lives and it is something we use on a daily basis to obtain news and various forms of entertainment. Television programs offer people a wide variety to choose from and through the innovation and invention of this technology, we have been fortunate enough to experience a high-quality visual effect. This is not something we have always been able to experience because television has come a long way and it was truly a huge accomplishment when it was first created.

The brains behind the invention of the first television set was Philo Taylor Farnsworth. This man is interesting and he truly has a unique background compared to most individuals. He was always bright and intrigued by certain scientific inquiries that most people were unaware of. Philo Taylor Farnsworth was raised in a household without electricity until he reached the age of fourteen. While he was enrolled in high school, Farnsworth began to conceive a system that could capture moving images. The system could then take those moving images and code them with radio waves and transform them back onto a picture screen. The invention was rather unique in how it scanned images with beams of electrons and this allowed to transform it into lines onto the screen. The main scientific idea of the television was for the sole purpose of turning sound into visuals. 

(Philo Taylor Farnsworth)

The first television set was successfully demonstrated on September 7, 1927, in San Francisco California. At the time of this innovation, Philo Taylor Farnsworth was only twenty-one years old. This impressive development was life-changing for several Americans. While television is not something we give much thought to, it was truly a huge deal for people in the early twentieth century. At the beginning of time for the revolutionized invention, American households only had a single television set for their whole entire family. Television when it was first created and for many years thereafter, was something that bonded families and brought them all together after a long day. People were not as fortunate in their selection of channel choices and television had only a few channels to choose from. In addition, television was broadcasted in black and white imagery which is completely different and basic from the visuals that it offers today. One of the main services a television set could provide people was the news. The television news was a more interactive and intuitive way for Americans to get information about the world going on around them. It was visually entertaining and a step up from the radio programs.

(First TV set)

While looking back through the history of television technology in the United States, it is important to reflect upon the success of the invention and how far it has come today. While television was a luxury for American families and it brought them all together in the early days, it is now such a huge part of our everyday lives. Television monitors are displayed everywhere we go throughout society and they are used to portray important details. In addition, most households have several televisions throughout their home and a variety of channels and sources of entertainment so people do not have to watch the same thing together all at once. The visual aspects of entertainment have significantly improved from what they once were in the very beginning. We should acknowledge Philo Taylor Farnsworth as a technological hero and be thankful for the invention he has brought into our lives today.

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