Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Blog Post #12

Confirmation bias is the tendency to process information by looking for or interpreting information that is consistent with one’s existing beliefs. As an example when you are in an argument, you are doing everything you can to form your own viewpoint to win that argument instead of making an attempt to understand the other individual involved. People are not trusting all the facts, they are basically just protecting the information that they want to hear. One of the bad things about confirmation bias is that it really leads to flawed decision-making. With Confirmation bias, you are so blindsided by information and it's to the point where you are making assumptions about people before you even get to know them well. This can cause you to have trouble meeting people and making friends in college or in your life in general. A lot of people have confirmation bias with their political viewpoints or beliefs that are in their life in general. As another example, people often have a slanted confirmation bias when they are looking at their news sources. People already have a biased or confirmed viewpoint about specific beliefs, values, or stories in the news so they will not open their minds to things that differ from what they believe. News media sources are feeding very specific messages and aspects of political agenda so they will gain people who have a biased mindset about topics. Generally, it is important to open up your mind and ideas to things in the world or in life that may differ from your own specific bias or viewpoint deception. Confirmation bias can be dangerous and people should try to refrain from having this control their way of thinking or believing in life.

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