Thursday, March 18, 2021

Blog Post #1 (News Sources)


The first area that I obtain news from is Instagram. I am on Instagram every day, scrolling through several posts, and through that, I get my newsfeed from political platforms. Instagram provides brief news stories on their platform and it is easy and convenient to see what is happening in the world.

The next platform I get my news from is Facebook. The reason being is that Facebook is similar to Instagram in the sense that it is a social media platform that offers brief news stories from political sources. It is slightly different in that it also is more intuitive since it provides video footage of live news conferences from politicians.

I use ABC news because it generally offers moderate political leanings and it does not take a specific slant one certain way. I really go to this source for actual content with real news and basically fair and unbalanced stories.

I use Fox news because it offers political news that aligns with my own political beliefs. That being said, I really try to pick and chose what I should believe from their news reports so that I can form a valued and educated opinion about things.

I lastly use CNN because it offers a different perspective and world view on certain issues. I really don't agree with what they say at all but it challenges my thinking and I can sometimes be informed and educated by what the newscasters are saying.

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